We are committed to assisting municipal governments and property management groups with improving the convenience and volume of multi-family recycling.
The Blue/Clear Bag Doorstep Recycling Collection System
Our unique Blue/Clear Bag Doorstep Recycling Collection System is paired with the insight of our collection technology, Doorstep Details.
Residents are allowed to place co-mingled recyclables (paper, plastics, glass, and metal) in their Blue/Clear Bag. Recycle-filled, blue/clear bags can be placed at the resident’s doorstep in concert with their bagged-trash, up to 5-days-per-week.

The Blue/Clear Bag Doorstep Recycling Collection System
AWS works with your municipal or private recycling company to ensure their collection containers are free of contaminants. Our Doorstep Recycling collection also increases recycling participation and waste diversion, because our services are so convenient for our apartment residents.
Discover how easy our Doorstep Recycling solutions are to implement for your multi-family communities. For a FREE contract quote, call (804) 292-0029 or please fill out the valet trash quote form.
Doorstep Recycling Guidelines
Always place your recyclable items in transparent blue bags. Recycling blue/clear bags can be purchased at major retailers, in-store or online (ex. Home Depot, Walmart, Target, etc.)
Recyclable Items Include:
- Small cardboard (cereal boxes, small packaging, etc.)
- Loose paper or junk mail
- Plastic containers
- Glass bottles and containers
- Metal cans
- NO PLASTIC (grocery style) BAGS
Paper Products
- Newspaper
- Magazines, catalogs, phonebooks
- Brown paper bags
- Corrugated cardboard (flattened)
- Office paper and junk mail
Commingled Products
- Plastic bottles, jugs, jars and tubs (#’s 1-7)
- Glass bottles and jars
- Aluminum cans
- Steel or tin cans

Trash Preparation
Trash MUST be bagged and tied. Place bagged trash in provided containers. NO LOOSE TRASH and NO LIQUIDS IN TRASH. Double bag cat litter and pet waste. No bags over 25 pounds. No broken glass or sharp objects. No more than 3 bags out at night. No over-sized items such as furniture, TVs, large boxes, etc. Make sure to flatten cardboard.

Place Container Outside
Use only the provided container. Place container out between 6pm and 8pm. Place container “right-in-front” of your doorstep. Collection starts promptly at 8pm. Containers placed outside after 8pm may miss pickup.

Bring Container Back Inside
Important! Container MUST be inside by 9am the next day. No containers or trash out during daylight hours. Units with containers or trash out during daylight hours may be fined up to $25 by property management.
How Recycling Works
If you have large amounts of bag recyclables, paper products should be bagged separately from commingled recyclables. Paper products accepted vary by waste collection vendors, but typically include cardboard (flattened and folded), newspapers, magazines, office paper, envelopes, file folders, and phone books. Commingled recyclables include aluminum cans, metal cans, plastic beverage containers, and glass bottles (green, brown and clear.)
Request a Quote
If you’re searching for reliable and efficient valet trash retrieval, you can request a free quote for our services and we’ll help you meet your community’s specific requirements.